Tuition Assistance

Your future is achievable. See what’s possible through our individual financial aid options.

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Get Started

Apply for aid

Click the link below to begin the application process for financial aid and enrollment.


Talk to a coach

Not sure what career is right for you? That's ok! Our career coaches can help discuss the best job fit and assist you with support services, as needed. Connect with a coach by starting the application process below.


Register for healthcare

Orientation is mandatory. You will learn more about the 9 CCWA healthcare training classes and how to register. Click the orientation link below to register for the next healthcare orientation session.


Whether you attend an orientation or not, you will need several personal documents in order to apply for tuition assistance. Take a look at our checklist and make sure you have access to at least one item in each section. (If you're planning to attend an in-person healthcare orientation, we recommend taking these documents with you for a faster registration process.)

Earn a Certification with Assistance

Several options are available to help cover the costs of individual workforce training programs. There are multiple sources of financial assistance available depending on the income status and choice of the program of study, They include:

FastForward logo


The FastForward program offers training certifications designed to meet the needs of employers in the region. Additionally, the FastForward program covers two-thirds of tuition for qualifying Virginia residents who complete their course. An income-based financial assistance offering called FANTIC may also be available to cover the remaining tuition after the FastForward award is applied.

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G3 Initiative

Many students also qualify for further income-based assistance from FANTIC and the G3 Initiative. The G3 Initiative grant provides funds for “last dollar” scholarships for tuition, fees and books.


Frequently Asked Questions

What classes are eligible for funding?
Many classes are eligible for funding, particularly certification classes under the FastForward grant. Review the list of eligible certifications on the FastForward page.
What if I can't attend a FastForward orientation when it's offered?

That's ok! Call us at 804-523-2292 for more information.

The FastForward orientations provide an overview of all certifications offered through FastForward. We will also provide you with written instructions by email on how to complete our grant application process. Fill out the form to get started.

What do I need to know for healthcare classes?
For all healthcare courses, you will need to attend an in-person orientation at our Chester Campus. This is to explain details and requirements for clinicals, licensure and more. You can sign up any time.
What is my obligation to receive the FastForward funds?
You are required to meet domicile requirements in Virginia and to finish your course with a "satisfactory" in order to receive the tuition assistance (2/3 coverage).
Can I take an additional FastForward class after completing the first?
Yes, as long as you complete your course with a "Satisfactory." FastForward and the G3/FANTIC income-based grants allow for additional certification courses in the same industry area.
Am I guaranteed a seat in the course when I submit my application?
FastForward and the G3-FANTIC income-based grants are given on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that applicants who have submitted complete application packages will have priority for available course slots.